ANSUL® Sapphire Plus Fire Suppression Systems
Sistem Ansul SAPPHIRE PLUS Total Flood Fire Suppression menggunakan 3M™ Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection Fluid sebagai agen pemadam. Sistem konvensional SAPPHIRE® menggunakan tekanan penyimpanan sebesar 363 psi (25 bar) atau 609 psi (42 bar), yang cocok untuk banyak aplikasi. Namun, sistem SAPPHIRE® PLUS menggunakan tekanan penyimpanan sebesar 1.015 psi (70 bar), memberikan fleksibilitas lebih bagi perancang dalam merencanakan tata letak sistem.

ANSUL® Sapphire Plus Fire Suppression System 25/42 Bar Total Flood Fire Suppression Systems

The SAPPHIRE PLUS system stores 3M™ Novec™ 1230 fire protection fluid at 70 bar (1015 psi) which helps reduce the storage footprint, installation and service time by offering higher fill densities up to 1.4 kg/L (87.4 lb/ft3). The increased pressure also permits the containers to be located much further from the protected space and increases the ability to introduce selector valves to protect multiple hazards from a single container bank. Additionally, pipe sizes can be reduced increasing the economy and design flexibility. The SAPPHIRE system has a proven track record for protecting people, the environment and high value assets. Each system is custom engineered to quickly suppress fires while eliminating agent cleanup and minimising the downtime that can be associated with other agent types.
Solusi Terkini untuk Perlindungan Maksimal.
Dengan Sistem Pencegah Kebakaran Modern kami, Anda dapat merasakan perlindungan terdepan. Bisnis, karyawan, dan peralatan Anda kini terlindungi sepenuhnya. Teknologi cerdas kami secara otomatis mendeteksi dan menekan kebakaran pada peralatan berisiko tinggi
- UL/ULC Listed and FM Approved
- Memenuhi sepenuhnya standar EN 12094
- Dirancang sesuai dengan NFPA 2001, EN 15004, dan ISO 14520
- Perangkat lunak diverifikasi oleh UL dan FM
- Sistem katup selektor
- Tersedia dengan pengukur tekanan standar atau pengukur tekanan berkontak untuk pemantauan tekanan
- Operasi elektrik, pneumatik, atau manual
- Lokasi penyimpanan terpusat
- Diameter pipa yang dikurangi untuk sistem tradisional
- Pusat data
- Ruang saklar listrik
- Ruang mesin
- Fasilitas medis
- Situs warisan dan budaya
- Pengendalian lalu lintas udara
- Fasilitas minyak dan gas
- UL/ULC Listed
- FM Approved
- CE Marked
SAPPHIRE® PLUS 70-Bar Clean Agent Fire Suppression Systems
The SAPPHIRE PLUS system stores 3M™ Novec™ 1230 fire protection fluid at 70 bar (1015 psi) which helps reduce the storage footprint, installation and service time by offering higher fill densities up to 1.4 kg/L (87.4 lb/ft3). The increased pressure also permits the containers to be located much further from the protected space and increases the ability to introduce selector valves to protect multiple hazards from a single container bank. Additionally, pipe sizes can be reduced increasing the economy and design flexibility. The SAPPHIRE system has a proven track record for protecting people, the environment and high value assets. Each system is custom engineered to quickly suppress fires while eliminating agent cleanup and minimising the downtime that can be associated with other agent types
Sustainable Technology for Occupied Spaces
3M Novec 1230 Fire Protection Fluid provides a wide safety margin because it is used at concentrations of only 4.5 to 5.9% by volume which is well below the maximum 10% concentration for safe exposure. The agent has zero ozone depletion potential (ODP); and with an atmospheric lifetime between three and five days and a global warming potential of 1.0, it is the most environment friendly of the chemical clean agents. In fact, SAPPHIRE system installations carry a 20-year environmental warranty covering both the agent and the system hardware.
Fast Acting Suppression Reduces Downtime
SAPPHIRE systems work fast, delivering the agent within 6 to 10 seconds, suppressing fires before they have the chance to spread. Most importantly, when a fire is suppressed quickly, the result is less damage, lower refurbishment costs and reduced downtime.
State-of-the-Art Detection and Control
Automatic detection is provided for single or multiple hazards using an AUTOPULSE conventional or addressable releasing control panel with highly sensitive smoke, heat and flame detectors. When a fire is detected, the system will sound alarms, close doors, shut down equipment and release the SAPPHIRE fire suppression system. Pull stations are also provided for manual system actuation.