ANSUL® Sapphire Fire Suppression Systems
Sistem Pemadaman SAPPHIRE adalah sistem pemadam api otomatis, berdasarkan nozzle tetap, yang menggunakan fluida Novec 1230 untuk kebakaran Kelas A, B, dan C. Sistem ini dirancang dan dipasang sesuai dengan Standar Asosiasi Proteksi Kebakaran Nasional (NFPA) 2001, "Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Agen Bersih." Sistem ini terdaftar oleh Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL), Underwriters of Canada (ULC), dan disetujui oleh Factory Mutual (FM).

SAPPHIRE® FK-5-1-12 Clean Agent Fire Suppression Systems

Sistem Pemadaman SAPPHIRE adalah sistem pemadam api otomatis, berdasarkan nozzle tetap, yang menggunakan fluida Novec 1230 untuk kebakaran Kelas A, B, dan C. Sistem ini dirancang dan dipasang sesuai dengan Standar Asosiasi Proteksi Kebakaran Nasional (NFPA) 2001, “Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Agen Bersih.” Sistem ini terdaftar oleh Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL), Underwriters of Canada (ULC), dan disetujui oleh Factory Mutual (FM).
Solusi Terkini untuk Perlindungan Maksimal.
Dengan Sistem Pencegah Kebakaran Modern kami, Anda dapat merasakan perlindungan terdepan. Bisnis, karyawan, dan peralatan Anda kini terlindungi sepenuhnya. Teknologi cerdas kami secara otomatis mendeteksi dan menekan kebakaran pada peralatan berisiko tinggi
- Perlindungan berlapis
- Total flooding area bahaya
- Tidak merusak aset berharga
- Aplikasi yang luas
- Efektif untuk kebakaran Kelas A, B, dan C
- Agen pemadam yang tidak berbau
- Aman untuk ruang yang ditempati pada konsentrasi desain
- Tidak merusak lapisan ozon
- Terdaftar UL
- Disetujui FM
- Fasilitas penerbangan
- Kapal komersial/laut
- Ruang kontrol komputer dan elektronik
- Sistem militer kritis
- Pusat pemrosesan data
- Fasilitas medis
- Museum
- Platform lepas pantai
- Pembangkit listrik
- Penyimpanan pita dan brankas
- Situs telekomunikasi
- UL Listed
- FM Approved
SAPPHIRE® Fire Suppression Systems
Using water alone as a fire suppressant in areas where electronics operate and high-value assets are stored could be as devastating as fire itself. Protect these assets with an ANSUL® SAPPHIRE clean-agent system, custom-engineered to quickly suppress fires without causing harm to equipment, people or the environment.
Choose a Revolutionary Fire Suppression Agent
The SAPPHIRE system utilizes FK-5-1-12 agent — a clear, colorless and low odor clean agent that instantly vaporizes upon discharge, absorbing heat and providing total flooding of protected spaces. The system is especially suited for suppressing fires in occupied spaces, in areas where an electrically non-conductive medium is required, where electronic systems cannot be shut down in an emergency and where cleanup of other agents poses a problem.
People and Environment Friendly
FK-5-1-12 provides a wide safety margin because it is used at concentrations of only 4.5 to 5.9% by volume which are well below the 10% concentration maximum for safe exposure. In accordance with NFPA 2001, it is safe for occupied spaces. The agent has zero ozone depletion potential, an atmospheric lifetime of just five days and a global warming potential of 1.
State-of-the-Art Detection and Control
Even before a fire reaches the flame stage, SAPPHIRE systems can detect and suppress it. This state-of-the-art detection and control system combines exclusive AUTOPULSE microprocessor control panels with highly sensitive smoke, heat and flame detectors. When fire is detected, AUTOPULSE control panels will sound alarms, close doors, shut down equipment and release the fire suppression system. The system provides automatic detection, day and night, in conjunction with manual pull stations.
The Ultimate Fire Suppression Solution
The ANSUL brand promises a full range of quality fire protection solutions. Our extensive network of Authorized ANSUL Distributors provides factory-trained professionals to serve our customers virtually anywhere in the world.
A Passion for Protection
Dedicated customer support. Extensive product portfolio. Engineering excellence. Trusted, proven brands. Johnson Controls offers all of these attributes, plus a passion for protection. It’s what drives us to create solutions to help safeguard what matters most – your valued people, property and business.