HYGOOD® Sapphire Fire Suppression Systems
HYGOOD SAPPHIRE Fire Suppression Systems yang menggunakan 3M™ Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection Fluid adalah sistem pemadam kebakaran yang aman dan ramah lingkungan. Sistem ini dirancang untuk melindungi orang dan aset bernilai tinggi dengan menggunakan agen bersih yang memiliki rekam jejak yang baik.

HYGOOD® Sapphire Fire Suppression System 25/42 Bar

HYGOOD SAPPHIRE 25/42 BAR adalah sistem pemadam kebakaran yang menggunakan 3M™ Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection Fluid, yang aman dan ramah lingkungan. Sistem ini memiliki rekam jejak yang terbukti dalam melindungi manusia dan aset bernilai tinggi. Dilengkapi dengan teknologi terkini, sistem ini tidak hanya memberikan perlindungan terhadap bahaya kebakaran, tetapi juga ramah lingkungan dengan Potensi Penipisan Ozon (ODP) nol dan Potensi Pemanasan Global (GWP) yang sangat rendah. Dirancang berdasarkan uji kebakaran yang independen, HYGOOD SAPPHIRE memperoleh penilaian “diterima tanpa batasan” dari Kebijakan Alternatif Baru Penting (SNAP) yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Perlindungan Lingkungan Hidup Amerika Serikat (EPA).
Solusi Terkini untuk Perlindungan Maksimal.
Dengan Sistem Pencegah Kebakaran Modern kami, Anda dapat merasakan perlindungan terdepan. Bisnis, karyawan, dan peralatan Anda kini terlindungi sepenuhnya. Teknologi cerdas kami secara otomatis mendeteksi dan menekan kebakaran pada peralatan berisiko tinggi
- Silinder baru 1.100 lb mengurangi jumlah silinder dan waktu instalasi yang diperlukan.
- Menyediakan cukup agen untuk mencakup area hingga 27.000 kaki kubik dengan satu silinder.
- Tekanan sistem yang lebih tinggi memungkinkan penggunaan pipa yang lebih panjang.
- Memungkinkan penggunaan pipa dengan diameter lebih kecil.
- Memungkinkan lokasi penyimpanan silinder lebih dari dua kali jarak dari area bahaya dibandingkan dengan sistem 360 psi/25 bar.
- Rentang kapasitas pengisian dari 6 lbs. hingga 1.100 lbs.
- Perlindungan kebakaran hingga 27.000 kaki kubik dengan satu silinder.
- Memberikan perlindungan ekonomis terhadap beberapa penutup saat digunakan dengan katup arah.
- Ruang Brankas Bank
- Ruang Cadangan Baterai
- Fasilitas Manufaktur Bersih
- Pusat Pengolahan Data
- Penyimpanan Dokumen
- Ruang Kontrol Proses
- Simulator
ECS-500 System Approvals & Listings
- cULus Listed
- FM Approved
- Other marine- and land-based approvals in process
Fluoro-K Component Approvals & Listings
- cULus Listed
- FM Approved
Gaseous Fire Suppression Systems Delivering 3M™ Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection Fluid
HYGOOD SAPPHIRE Fire Suppression Systems delivering 3M™ Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection Fluid is a safe, environmentally friendly clean agent system, that has a proven track record for protecting people and high value assets.
Protecting our world
HYGOOD SAPPHIRE systems provide a proven and reliable fast acting, clean agent solution that is safe for use in occupied spaces. The system is environmentally friendly with zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) and negligible global warming potential (GWP). The atmospheric lifetime is between three and five days making HYGOOD SAPPHIRE an ideal solution without compromising the environment. Every HYGOOD SAPPHIRE installation carries a 20 year environmental warranty covering both the agent and the system hardware. See table overleaf for a comparison of the environmental credentials of common halocarbon clean agent systems.
Playing safe
HYGOOD SAPPHIRE systems are ideal for use in occupied areas. Independent toxicity studies have established that the agent is low in both acute and chronic toxicity with high safety margins between its normal use concentrations and the No Observable Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL).
Fast acting suppression
HYGOOD SAPPHIRE systems work fast and are designed to rapidly absorb heat to the point where combustion ceases. Once actuated, HYGOOD SAPPHIRE systems deliver the extinguishant within 10 seconds, suppressing fires before they have the chance to spread. Most importantly when a fire is suppressed quickly, the result is less damage, lower refurbishment costs and reduced downtime.
Compact low pressure technology
HYGOOD SAPPHIRE systems are compact and operate at both 25 and 42 bar and have been designed and developed based on independently witnessed fire tests. It has been proven to achieve homogeneous distribution of agent at these pressures complying with international standards and meeting the requirements of approval agencies worldwide.
System recharging
As the Novec 1230 Fluid is stored as a liquid at room temperature the agent may be transported in lightweight drums or plastic totes, enabling the agent to be made available quickly at a conveniently located recharge station.
25 and 42 bar options
The HYGOOD SAPPHIRE System is available in both 25 and 42 bar pressures. The 25 bar system is suitable for the majority of hazards whilst the 42 bar offers additional flexibility in the design of systems, protecting larger or more complex hazards, including those incorporating selector valves for multi-zone protection and where system containers are to be located further from the protected hazard.